Enterprise risk management

Enterprise risk management (ERM) is a comprehensive service that aims to help organizations manage and mitigate risks that could adversely impact their operations, reputation, and financial stability.

Our team of experts will conduct a preliminary and periodic risk assessment using the Cyprotect methodology, which is based on ISO 27005, to evaluate the organization's risk level and maturity posture.

Through this service, we will guide the organization's relevant stakeholders on how to mitigate identified risks and improve the organization's overall maturity posture. Our team will also assist in defining and mitigating the organization's cyber risk acceptance and other relevant thresholds by creating a plan with a timeline to mitigate risks according to risk scores, priorities, and the organization's implementation preferences.

Our team will keep track of cyber risks and report any concerns to the organization's management during SSC meetings or immediately when critical risks are identified. Risks will be evaluated and prioritized according to severity, which is the potential damage to the organization's operations, reputation, financial stability, and any other relevant parameter, and the likelihood, which is the estimated probability of the risk occurring.

The multiplication of severity and probability generates a risk score that is used to create a Risk Heat Map and prioritize risks for mitigation. Overall, our ERM service is designed to help organizations proactively manage and mitigate risks to achieve their business objectives and safeguard their assets.

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