Tzach Horowitz, CEO of CyProtect speaking at Cyber Week 2023 CSA event
It was a great honor to participate in the CSA event at Cyber week 2023 and speak at the Corporate IT migration to the cloud panel.
In the words of Moshe Ferber, our CSA Chapter leader:
"Now that #cyberweek2023 is over, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of the over 500 attendees who joined us for the cloud security event.
The turnup was amazing, and I apologize to those who had to sit in the aisles, next time come earlier :)
For those of you who missed the event: Event videos: Event photos have been uploaded as well:
There are several aspects of the event that I am particularly proud of and would like to highlight:
A. Legacy and Experience: This year marked the sixth consecutive year of organizing the cloud security event in CW. Over these years, we have worked diligently to build a strong reputation and accumulate valuable experience in making these events interesting and professional. I am so proud to see how we evolved to this point.
B. Panel Discussions: We curated four panel discussions, each focusing on a different aspect of cloud operations. Initially, I had concerns that the topics might overlap or lack diversity. However, our moderators and speakers proved me wrong by diving deep into complex subjects within a short span of time and providing distinct viewpoints and powerful insights.
C. Diversity: One of the aspects I take immense pride in is the diversity of our speakers' lineup. Not only did we achieve gender diversity, but we also welcomed new speakers who made their first appearance in CW. It was an absolute pleasure to listen to their fresh opinions and ideas, which added a unique and vibrant flavor to the event.
And all of this would not have happened without our great moderators: Ofer Maor, Gidi Farkash, Oz Avenstein and Shahar Geiger Maor.
Our speakers: Daniele Catteddu, Yifat Aharon, Tali Shemer, Noam Perel, Naama Matarasso, Eitan Satmary, Shimri Vachter, Sharon Halperin, Iris Chen, Tehila Shneider, Tzach Horowitz, Dikla Saad Ramot, Liran Sheinbox, Bar Hofesh, Inbar Ben-Tsion RegermanAnd #cyberweektlv team: Gili Drob - Heistein, Roni SharirLauren Schneeweiss, Revital Yaron.
See you next year.Cloud Security Alliance, #cloudsecurity#cloudoperations, #cloudsecurityalliance